Careers That Get You Student Loan Forgiveness
Did you always knew what you wanted to study? Or whenever you were listening to your Sociology professor, you immediately thought, hey “studying people” sounds like a pretty cool career, I think I am going to switch majors and become a sociologist!
Woah there buddy, you sure you wanna take out all those student loans, get into a bunch of debt, to graduate with a career that will land you a job studying people’s coffee choices at starbucks? Not trying to offend anyone, but let’s be honest… there are certain careers that make it extremely hard or impossible to make a decent living with…
So next time you’re sitting at a class, and your professors are challenging you, and making this field seem so cool and tempting, snap out of it! think about your future and the debt that will haunt you, and what will be the best way to repay it, and the best career choice for you at the end.
If student loan debt and making a stable living is not something that concerns you, then by all means, graduate with that degree in “music appreciation”, you can always land a job at best buy and help people program their ipods with the latest collection of Verdi.
Leah Carroll, a college student from the University of South Florida said “All this definitely worries me”… and well it should worry you too.
Over seventy percent of college students need to take out student loans to afford their degrees, according to statistics from the U.S. Department of Education. What is scarier is that the average balance has now reached a staggering sum of $34,000 upon graduation, an all-time record high.
For many of us, student debt is an absolute must. Unless you were gifted enough to get full scholarships, or had parents that offered to pay for everything, if that your case, you’re one of the few lucky ones. If you’re like the rest of us, then piling up on loans was the only choice.
“Without student loans, I probably wouldn’t even be able to go to college,” said student Wellington Reyes. Reyes has designs on a Ph.D., which will require several years of borrowing.
We’re pretty sure that in between cram sessions, exams, concerts, last minute essay writing, and the frequent college parties, the looming repayment schedule of your loans will haunt your mind…
With an exasperated tone, USF student Courtney Spruill sums up the burden: “It’s going to take a lot to pay it back.”
By and large, student loan debt is different from car loans, credit card debt, and the like. Student loan debt, similar to tax bills, generally cannot be erased by bankruptcy or default. It lives on. And right now, 51 percent of student loans are said to be in arrears.
But hey, there is still hope! There are a lot of federal programs that can help you ease up the burden of your student loan…and some careers that actually FORGIVE your student loan debt, if you work for it!
Behold a list of careers that can forgive your student loans:
The U.S. Education Department offers debt relief for college graduates who choose to teach. One program offers as much as $17,500 after five years of service. Educators with select loans who teach select subjects can have their loans canceled.
Eligibility varies. To check your eligibility Click Here Now.
Tampa Bay teacher Shauna Lubecki applied and, in short order, removed a large portion of her student debt.
“The paperwork was super easy,” she said. “It was $5,000. And anything is a huge deal.”
Service in the U.S. military can lead to significant educational benefits — before, during, and after your commission or enlistment. Speak with a recruiter or benefits advisor for application details.
Similar to members of the military, civilians who serve the United States are eligible for debt relief. The Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program rewards public service in a variety of roles – including local government workers, non-profit employees, and others.
This unpublicized program can save applicants tens of thousands of dollars, wiping away student loan debt after ten years of service and 120 on-time monthly loan payments.
Service in the Peace Corps gives volunteers unforgettable experiences, and possibly lifts the financial burden of student debt. Volunteers might be eligible for The Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program (see above).
Peace Corps volunteers might also gain other perks.
Teacher Stephanie Sheffield, from Plant City, FL is currently serving in Colombia.
“We’re teaching other teachers,” she said.
Sheffield said it’s unlikely she’ll remain in the Peace Corps long enough to gain eligibility for loan forgiveness. But, she is likely to pursue a master’s degree and many universities offer Peace Corps scholarships and/or fellowships.
“That’s a huge benefit that I’m looking forward to, so I won’t get into any more debt. That’s the goal,” Sheffield said.